Customer Testimonial: Blue Thunder Trucking
Published by Knoedler Manufacturers on Aug 14th 2024
"My name is Kay Lameyer, and my husband Jim and I are the owners of Blue Thunder Trucking. You might not remember us, but we have never forgotten you.
A little over two years ago, we were working with our Kenworth T800 Tandem Dump Truck in our hometown of Colorado Springs, CO. We were considering closing our business because Jim was in so much pain. His head, back and knee hurt daily. We tried everything from therapy, exercise, and medication. We even moved to the Arizona/Nevada area hoping the warm climate would help him.
The real answer came for us after we attended the Truck Show in Las Vegas, NV. Knoedler Manufacturers had their seats on display. They told us about the quality and craftsmanship of a Knoedler seat, and we purchased The Chief seat after the show.
This was the best investment we ever made. The seat was installed in half an hour, and Jim noticed the difference immediately. He has felt incredible relief since the first day. Blue Thunder is a strong company again, and Jim tells everyone about his Knoedler seat. We want everyone to know why it is the best seat in America, and what a difference it has made in our lives."